Merry Christmas!

As our supporters in North America know, Christmas is a big deal in Western culture; every home has decked its halls, stores are bustling with customers, and there is a general sentiment of holiday cheer about the streets. However, this isn’t the reality for everyone.
For many around the world, Christmas is just another day that comes and goes. Some don’t even realize it’s Christmas, while others simply don’t have the means to celebrate it, even in the smallest way. This used to be the reality for many of our students, but because of supporters like you, that isn’t the case anymore!
Over the last few years, we’ve had generous donors step forward who specifically wanted to ensure that a Christmas celebration could take place for the students. This year we combined this celebration with both Garneton and Harmony Schools, with a grand total of 1,055 students and 70 teachers in attendance – it was a party!

In preparation for the gathering, students arranged plays and practiced in choirs. Gifts were bought for each student, and teachers planned a feast for all who came. Our intention for this is not simply to spoil the students (while we do love to do that once and a while too); but to use this as an opportunity to remind them of the Christmas story and why it is so significant for them. Specifically, that Jesus was born in human flesh, lived on this earth, and bled and died on a cross for our sins so we could become His children! Truly, He is the greatest gift to be received, and we want every student to know that.

We also want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thank you for all you have done throughout 2022 to help spread the Gospel and provide education to children in Zambia. We can’t wait to see what 2023 will bring!