A New Home for Naomi

For many girls in Zambia, education beyond grade 6 is only a dream due to a lack of adequate schools and poverty. At Lifesong Zambia, our hope for every child we serve is for them to not only reach their dreams but ultimately live in the abundance of life with Jesus Christ.

Meet Naomi*, one of 23 girls that live at Lifesong Harmony Home. If you were to meet Naomi, you would notice her bright smile and gentle-yet-feisty personality. When asked to tell her story, she praised God for His work in her life and shared:

“I want to share this story with you. I also want to appreciate God for what He has been doing in my life. I came here (to Lifesong Harmony Home) in 2018 when I was 9 years old. Where I used to live, we didn’t have electricity like we do here, enough running water was not there. Here, I have everything I could ever need. I really appreciate everything you have been doing, may God bless you.”

Naomi’s story is not uncommon for the girls living at Harmony Home. Due to experiences of poverty, illness, or unforeseen tragedies, many children are left without parents to care for them. Naomi’s mother and father died when she was only two years old. Being so young she doesn’t remember them and only has stories about them. Thankfully Naomi’s aunt came and helped care for her and her seven siblings after the passing of her parents. It was that same aunt who found out about Lifesong Harmony School and helped Naomi and one of her brothers gain admission into the school.

Walking back to the Harmony Home after school

A lot changed for Naomi when she came to Lifesong Harmony Home.

Instead of walking 4 kilometres for unclean water, she can now access clean drinking water at home. She also shared how much she loves having her own bed, as previously she and her siblings shared a mattress and blanket. Before coming to Lifesong, food insecurity was a constant challenge; now she has three meals provided daily for her, allowing her to focus more on her studies. Something that poverty took from Naomi was the freedom to be a child; now at Lifesong, she can enjoy play time with other girls her age and be mentored and cared for by her house mother.

Play time after chores and homework are complete

More important than all of this, though, is that Naomi has come to know Jesus. Through counselling from one of the pastors at Lifesong Harmony School and daily devotions at the boarding home, she has grown in her relationship with God and is eager to serve Him.

Now Naomi dreams of becoming a teacher, and this dream is possible because of people like you. Because of generous supporters, Naomi can attend school at no cost to her or her family and obtain her high school diploma. This significantly raises her chances of finding sustainable employment or continuing her learning in college. Just like Naomi appreciates all that people like you have done for her, we also appreciate you – for partnering with us as we serve vulnerable children in Zambia. Thank you!

*Name changed for privacy