Mary’s New Home
When we were introduced to Mary it was apparent that she was in need of care and attention. Mary is paralyzed, and her family struggled to provide her with basic necessities, let alone the additional support needed for her disability.
Mary has spent most of her life lying on the ground, unable to even brush away the bugs or dirt on her because of her paralysis. As we learned more about Mary, we came to know that life wasn’t always this way for her. Up until the age of 12, she lived in a fully functioning body until an unknown sickness caused her to lose capacity in elements of her body and brain. Like is far too common in many places around the world, people with disabilities are often hidden in Zambia due to pervasive beliefs that the disability is the result of witchcraft practices. Because of this, there were little to no resources available for Mary and her family, leaving them in a difficult situation.

Since we met Mary five years ago, God has been opening doors for Lifesong Zambia to stand in the gap for this vulnerable child. These actions included employing a local woman named Martha to care for Mary on a full-time basis, ensuring she had her needs met and was not left alone. The same summer, a work team helped make Mary’s home wheelchair accessible and provided her with a bed and limited electricity through solar panels. Still, Mary weighed heavily on the hearts of Lifesong staff members.
Through the prayers of many people, a vision was born: a vision for a place where girls with disabilities were not hidden, but were loved and cared for with dignity, just like God loves and cares for us.

This summer, almost exactly five years after first meeting Mary, we were able to open a home for Mary. We named the building Mary’s Home in honour of her, with capacity for four other girls with disabilities that we intend to fill as we become aware of needs in our community. We praise God that he also made a way for Mary to receive physical therapy support as she moved into her new home.

After spending the last 5 years with Mary, Martha knows her very well and has noticed a difference since Mary moved into her new home. “When I first started working with Mary, the environment she stayed in was not good.” Martha shared. “Here I am able to look after her, and I can already see Mary’s life has changed.” Martha also testified of the ways that working for Lifesong has changed her own life; since becoming employed she has been able to afford food and even save enough money to build a house for her and her younger siblings. “My life has changed greatly…I’d like to say thank you for all that Lifesong supporters have done.”

We are incredibly excited about the ways that God has worked in Mary’s life, and we have many dreams for Mary’s Home: dreams of a place that is marked by unconditional love, a place filled with laughter and joy, and a place where the Gospel is lived out in tangible, life-changing ways.