Lifesong for Orphans (Canada) oversees schools in Garneton, Chipata and Kawama Zambia, along with our sister organization Lifesong for Orphans located in the United States. Our goal is to provide quality education to our students and equip them with the tools they need to transition into adult living. Students attend from pre-school to grade 12, and are given the option to pursue post-academic studies in a local university, spend a year in our Gap Year Centre, or learn a trade within our Trade Academy.
Safe housing and boarding homes are offered to our high school students and children who have been identified as living in vulnerable situations due to familial or environmental circumstances.
We currently have over 1,400 students who we are able to provide with education, ongoing discipleship, two meals per day, and medical attention all at no cost to them because of generous people like you.
“Our mission is to care for our children’s physical needs while providing them with quality education and Godly discipleship.”
What your sponsorship provides our students
Our sponsorship program ensures that each Lifesong student can attend school free of charge. This is made possible through the donations of all of our donors and sponsors, who through monthly or yearly sponsorships provide the following: